Hello everyone, welcome to the first Company Spotlight! Through these spotlights, I hope to provide a chance for companies to tell their stories. I want the readers to meet the entrepreneurs who are working tirelessly behind the scenes to grow their company!
Without further ado, here is an interview with Eric, one of the founders who runs RSLNT Fight wear in New York with his wife Aom!

Tell us a little bit about your brand. Who are you and what do you guys represent?
Hey, SponsorTheFighters! First, thanks for reaching out to us. It’s been a pleasure working with you. We’re a husband and wife team who just wanted to make cool and fun gear for our friends. I (Eric) have 17 years of garment production experience, specifically in Asia, and Aom has years of experience in video editing and all kinds of media. We really wanted a brand that represented us and who we are, so we built it around customer service and quality. We hope people love everything that we do.
What are some of your proudest moments in developing your brand?
Our first order from someone we didn’t know! We had a lot of support from our friends when we first launched, but the first time we got an order from someone that we didn’t know, it kind of made it all feel real. We still keep in touch with that customer all the time and now they’ve become a friend.
How do you spend your time building your brand (marketing, advertising, etc.)?
We spend a lot of time wondering “is this too silly or crazy to post?” Usually, those posts end up being popular for us. We run targeted IG and Facebook ads occasionally, and we use those metrics to keep refining our target audience.
What are some of the hardships that you have faced when building your company, and how did you (or how are you planning to) overcome them?
We launched right at the start of lockdown due to Covid-19. It was really hard to start building a brand for athletic wear without using live models on our website or in our marketing. We had to get creative by using Zoom and by reaching out to fighters and friends in states that were reopening before New York. We were able to create some fun and creative content that sort of helped define who we are: nerds at heart .
Where do you see your brand in 5-10 years? If you could summarize your brand in a quote, what would it be?
In 5-10 years, we hope to have a recognizable name for great quality athletic wear. We love working within the martial arts community, but we want to expand and do the same thing we’re doing in other sports. We would love to keep working with athletes of all types and give a voice to the people who may be new or not as advanced as others, but still want to feel good about themselves. We also hope to continue our charitable efforts and partner with more organizations in the community.
What advice would you give to your past self of when you first started the company/brand?
“Believe in yourself more.” We had designs and production ready for RSLNT many months before we launched, but it wasn’t until Covid hit that we finally took the leap. The only thing holding us back was that worry of not being fully ready. We finally went for it at a time when we had nothing to lose, and we were able to learn on the fly to great results.
Are there any particular types of athletes you had in mind to sponsor?
We love working with different types of athletes! We have worked with beginners and pros. We’ve worked with athletes of different backgrounds and ethnicities. We definitely wanted to show more of the “average” athlete who might not want to go pro or is still learning, but still shows up to train hard with a positive attitude.
What do you look for when sponsoring someone?
We look for people who share the same values as us. We care more about the character of the people we work with than we care about their records in the ring. We’re grateful to have such a good group of friends in our community and that everyone we work with gives back in their own way.
Do you have any projects or products you are working on/would like to promote?
We can’t really spill too much, but we have a lot of exciting products launching soon, and we are working with a lot of exciting people.
Is there anyone you would like to give a shoutout to?
There are too many to name! We’re grateful for every single person who follows us, likes our pictures, buys our product, and those who reach out to us with kind words. We definitely have to shout out SponsorTheFighters for all of the support and pairing us up with the awesome “Che Monster” Jose Manuel. Thank you to everyone! We love y’all.
Thank you so much for your time Eric! Please go follow RSLNT on Facebook (RSLNTfw) and Instagram (@RSLNT). Please check out their website here: www.rslnt.com and support their brand!
That's the end of the interview everyone, please let me know what you think about it!